Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Scahill, Lothstein and Bertone

While I get my taxes done, I recommend you read the following. There will be a test.

Read this reflection on the East Longmeadow MA pastor Father James Scahill who has called for the resignation of B16. I can't imagine that he'll not be forced to pay for his courage and integrity.

Here is a neat summary that may help those who are scratching their heads and wondering how the Catholic Church came to centralize power and authority in the person of the Pope rather than Jesus, and how that church moved from allowing bishops to be a garden of differences to demanding that all her bishops speak with one voice.

Here is some valuable truth spoken by psychologist Leslie Lothstein who has treated more than 300 priests-with-problems and knows something about real pedophilia.

Of course, you can contrast those articles with the words of the ignorant Cardinal Bertone who seems to be living on a planet of desperate denial.


thomas tucker said...

Interestingly, what Dr. Lothestein says in the article fits quite well with what Cardianl Bertone said. Lothstein pointed out that it is normal for homosexual males to be interested in adult and post-pubescent males, just as it is normal for heterosexuals to be interested in adult and post-pubescent females. Since the majority of victimized children were post-pubescent (age 11 and greater) then that fits with what the Cardinal said.

thomas tucker said...

No, your analgoy is false.
I am jsut following the logic of what they said: homosexual men are interested in post-pubescent males (according to Dr. Lothstein), the majority of sex abuse in the Church was in post-pubescent males, ergo homosexuals are responsible for the majority of the sex abuse.
I am not saying whether that is correct or not. I am just following the logic of the article you linked to and pointing out that that is essentially what Cardinal Bertone said!

thomas tucker said...

Oh hell.
Anyway, you know what I meant.

Spouse Walker said...

Thomas: you forgot to differentiate between pedophilia and ephebophilia which the article does as well. I seem to think that much of the literature supports pedophilia as being more predominant statistically with heterosexual men abusing pre pubescent girls. It it worthy noting that many times it appears these perpetrators then snuff the life out of them as well often by strangulation and leaving them somewhere to rot like a piece of littered trash. I had better worry about my neighbors now and every straight guy i come upon. Wouldn't logic dictate i be suspicious of heterosexual men for the vipers they (all) apparently are?

thomas tucker said...

ewe: is there less in the Anglican Chirch or is it just not the focus of attention? I don't know. The recent Newsweek article cited evidence saying there is no more child sex abuse in the Catholic Church than in any other denomination. Not what you would think, but that's probably due to the undue attnetion given to the Catholic Church.
THe ephebophilia in the Catholic situation was predominantly male. That's a good question about pedophilia per se- I will have to look up the statistics to see how that falls out.
In the meantime, Trust no one.
btw, Do you know what the sheep said to its clone? I am ewe.

Spouse Walker said...

Thomas: And christ supposedly said "i am that i am." I do not agree that the attention given to the catholic church is "undue" when it comes to raping children. You bring up homosexuality when this is about sex crimes. My point to you is that we do not criminalize all heterosexual men when one or some of them commit diablolical assaults on others. It is a double standard. I prefer knowledge over trust. The sexual orientation of someone like me for example is not an issue when we are discussing priests who sexuaully assault girls and/or boys. I don't take kindly to such ignorance. We are responsible for our own actions and i am not about to blame people who share your orientation, whatever it is, for something you may do. Being gay or straight is not the crime here. Assaulting children is. I understand your point but ask that you replace the word homosexuality with heterosexuality to see how detrimental, homophobic and what a gross generalization that many favor using only for minority bashing. Btw: do you know Tom Thumbs size is related to something deeper and it isn't doubt. lol

thomas tucker said...

Well. if you don't want to blame "homosexuals" for something that sex criminals have done, then you shouldn't blame "the Catholic Church" for something that sex criminals have done.
Secondly, my point was that what Lothstein said did dovetail with what Bertone said. The real issue is- you have stated that homosexuals are really no more likely to have sex with post-pubescent children than heterosexuals are, and you have taken umbrage at the implication that they might be. I suspect you are right, but I don't know the statistics on that. THe only reason I wonder about it is that, as you know, there is a definite cohort of gay men who like to hit on "chicken" and it is not necessarily frowned upon or condemned by many gay men. Is The Front Runner more realistic than Lolita? I don't know, but it is an interesting question.

Tony Adams said...

Dear Thomas,
Here in Fort Lauderdale, I am often considered "chicken".

thomas tucker said...

Fortunately, you can probably outrace the hawks on their strollers.

Tony Adams said...

It's always the ones with the least money in their pockets who move the fastest

Spouse Walker said...

Thomas: Catholic priests are a vital part of the church. Catholic priests who are sexually abusing children is the subject we are discussing.

thomas tucker said...

Ewe: predominantly homosexual Catholic priests who are abusing children is what we are discussing. If you want to say that the fact that they are predominantly homosexual is irrelevant, then so is the fact that they are Catholic priests. Let's face it, they are child abusers and really their sexual orientation is as irrelevant as the profession they chose.

Spouse Walker said...

Thomas: Exactly. Thank you. Child abuse stands by itself. That is my whole point.