Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Catholic Gay Mexican Jazzy Martini Night?

I don't know the Rev. John P. Duffell, the pastor of this church, but I am guessing that I would find him admirable. Martini night. Doors open to gay membership. Building community among diverse hispanic groups. Jazz Mass. Might be worth paying a visit.

Father Duffell is 64 years old. He sounds "old school" in the very best sense of that phrase. Ever notice how sometimes your grandparents end up being the most non-judgemental, open-minded, inclusive, loving and forgiving people in your life? It's what we all hope for, that when we are each officially and really "old", we will have had the nonsense and blindness burned out of us by our life experience, so that all that is left in our hearts will be the wall-to-wall capacity to love.

And then there is the Pope who celebrates his 81st birthday this week...

I'd be very surprised if Father Duffell ever becomes Monsignor Duffell. Word about the "gay thing" has probably trickled back to the Chancery. You have to be a bit more corporate to get that honorific. He probably couldn't care less. Of course, there is the fact that nothing speaks louder to the Chancery than a pastor's ability to generate parish revenue. But that is probably difficult on 107th Street which is somewhat north of the money. The Columbia students and the immigrants won't be making the collection basket heavy. It will really be up to those dirty second class gay dollars, eagerly accepted by the Chancery.


Anonymous said...

you can always appeal for this man's assistance. I would:

Anonymous said...

St. Peter's basilica repairs were financed with dirty money, err indulgences, so there's plenty of precedence.

As you know I find American Roman Catholics rather curious, and so I'm a little giggly at the idea of an American priest behaving in such a European manner.

Life's complexities aren't the Chancery's concern so they've been perhaps practicing their blind eye while the accountants say yes to more nice treats for the powers that be.