Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Catholic Charities Manages A "Seamless Transition"

While they threatened to pull critical services in DC if gay marriage became real, they were planning the exit strategy needed to save face after having painted themselves into a corner: how to balance the supposed love for the needy with the desire for political power.

Catholic Charities' own news announcement proclaims the ease with which they stopped serving these children:

Catholic Charities worked closely with D.C.’s Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) to seamlessly transition the program to the NCCF. This transition includes seven staff, 43 children and their biological families, as well as 35 foster families. 

The kids, the staff and the families are all intact, as are the Archbishop's overridingly important coffers and homophobic reputation. Win-win!

The only upside to this situation is that there is now enough egg on the face of the Archbishop of Washington DC to feed the hungry in that town for the next year or two.

1 comment:

Sebastian said...

The Washington Archdiocese is a nearly inexhaustible source of amusement and outrage. Late last year, the Archbishop's name was invoked repeatedly in statements about how awful and calamitous things would happen if the DC Council passed a gay marriage bill. That didn't play well in the press, the council, or the courts. The Archbishop has learned his lesson. Now, when he feels the need to take action, his name is nowhere to be found in press releases and statements. It is as if the Archdiocese is nameless and faceless, running itself, thinking itself. The press reports on the transfer of foster care children, families and employees was made quietly, and only after the fact was there any public notice given. The announcement that spousal health care coverage would be denied to new hires or current employees who wished to change their plan was made by the hapless director of Catholic Charities, not by the Archdiocese directly. The name of the Archbishop is to be invoked only when there is good news and political hay to be made!

The great irony is that the Catholic Church is currently lobbying heavily in Washington, telling the Congress and the rest of us, rightly, how important health care is, how much of a moral right it is, and how it ought to be provided. At the same time, they are reducing the health care options available to employees of Catholic Charities in the nation's capitol city.