At the “Flush Naugle” rally, I concluded that Fort Lauderdale’s City Hall is the ugliest public building in the world. As is always the case with an ugly building, the viewer tries to imagine improvements short of demolition. Would replacement of the precast aggregate slabs with spandrel glass alleviate its “urban bunker” quality? Maybe, but the basic proportions are clumsy. The garrisoned upper level protrusion is irrational.
The spiraling cord around the telescoping antenna of the media van was like jewelry, and there’s that sole palm tree weeping over the landscrape.
happy birthday
I think Boston City Hall could give it a run for the money on ugly. I don't know if you've ever seen that monstrosity, but it was created out of the same cement mixer.
It has the same repulsive, bland quality that Edward Durell Stone's mausoleum, 2 Columbus Circle did prior to the facade renovation now underway. From what I can tell through the construction netting, the new look won't be much better than the old.
Must be the same architect all 'round. The Troy City Hall is also an appalling concrete monstrosity. It is literally crumbling, and while the city is broke and can't fix it, I think a fair number of the populace wish it would just fall into the Hudson River on who's bank it sits. But I'm sure the environmentalists would throw a fit as all that motion would stir up the generous helping of PCBs that General Electric was so thoughful to dump into the river back in the 70s.
Oh, and Happy Birthday if I missed it. Any more sighting of your ocean swimming friend sporting the rudder in his banana hammock?
Paint it bright pink with white and Aqua highlights. A nice palm collonade out front might help too.
How 'bout glass mosaic tile murals covering the panels, depicting a history of the city/area?
Something like the old Bacardi headquarters in San Juan.
The Barcardi headquarters is in Miami Florida.
Google it,
like I should have...
Eddie, I did Google it, and you are right about the solution. Might just as well tart it up with some exhuberance to distract the eye from its bad bones. This what Mike was suggesting with his pink/white/acqua solution. Perhpas a team of NYC grafitti artists...
Monschein, I dread the unveiling of 2 Columbus Circle and will gladly join any group of urban protestors you may wish to assemble who might choose to colorfully improve the new facade.
I loved this building...a real modernist gem. Please don't let anyone mutilate it. see my photos....
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