Thursday, January 17, 2008

We could have told them that.

Are scientists just realizing that it's chemical? A few of us were talking about this just last week. How, on some nights, you can walk through the crowds at the bars/clubs/baths/beach and be invisible, but on other nights, they're all over you, and you literally run to the mirror to see what special coalition of features you are presenting that makes you irresistible that night. Of course you see nothing different. On some nights, a man emits a cocktail of tastables and smellables that draw other men to him. This may follow a lunar cycle. Let the charting begin. Last Friday night, I was successfully "off the charts". Let's see, that was Jan 11th. Between the new moon and the first quarter. Hmmm. The moon will be in that position again during the week I start my new job in Manhattan...Then again, it might have been the garlic.


Anonymous said...

Hummm my chemical thingie must not be working, I'm always invisible at clubs, that's why I stopped going.

Cooper said...

Wait. Job? Your retirement is over? I can't wait to read the next chapter! No matter the moon, you'll wax lovely.

Anonymous said...

Don’t blame the moon. I'd say that you scrubbed yourself too hard when you bathed (or you soaked too long in the sea). Sweat carries testosterone metabolites that make one more attractive to some. I supposed that too much garlic can mask the pheromones as well.

Stash said...

What? You've got a new job?

Do continue.


circleinasquare said...

A job!
Jobs are for chumps.
You used to be my hero...

dpaste said...

The article is about love. You seem to be referring to something a little more primal and less ethereal.

And for the record, I knew about the job. For some reason, the phrase "youth is wasted on the young" seems apt.

evilganome said...

I have noticed on those rare occasions that men pay any attention to me, I feel like I look like hell. On those occasions when I am feeling pretty happy about the state of affairs it's like I am wearing man repellent.

A job? What's this crap? How am I suppose to implode from envy at your care free state?

Anonymous said...

See, that is how they get you T. First they plant the stories in the press, then they get you to doubt the potency of your "chemicals", and then we have Bob Dole pitching their new product for pheromone enhancement...Turn your back on them Tony, don't let them win.

Congratulations on your new job!

tornwordo said...

You JUST retired. What is wrong with you? Unless it's a bathhouse job, that I'd understand the allure of, as a hobby of course.