We get a rare and amusing glimpse into a fractured Vatican power structure, as cardinals and bishops in and out of the Curia break ranks and talk about the fact that revoking the excommunication of the stupid bishop who denies the Holocaust was a papal mistake. Does anyone believe B16's disclaimer that he didn't know that this bishop felt that way?
This sort of thing never happened in recent previous pontificates. There's trouble brewing behind the chair of Peter. B16, you better watch your back. The red-hatted boys will toss you under the Popemobile if you become too inconvenient.
Laff Riot!
Please do a B16 "filmstrip" in the inimitable Adams Ampule manner! I'm sure that you've got a prop tiara somewhere in that closet!
Caro Padre Antonio,
Aren't there any PR savvy boys in VC?
B16 starring as the Prada Pope should be on Ron Howard's payroll. Staying at the Opus Dei Centre in Australia...this should be whipped into a frenzy by the May 15th film opening.
Nazi in a dress.
He is a dinosaur, and a relic, and deserving of layers of sediment, eons of time, and adequate compression for his fossilization.
Dear Anonymous,
In the mid 70s, I was flying from Rome to New York on TWA, dressed in a made-to-order black suit, gillet with cloth buttons and Roman collar, sipping Dewars. Next to me was seated a handsome middle-aged priest who took a great interest in me. A Spaniard who revealed himself to be an Opus Dei priest. I took his card, but thought no more about it. I had never heard of Opus Dei. I wonder how different my life would have been if I had allowed myself to be recruited.
Padre, what is your take on why the Primo Padre would have taken this tone deaf step to un-excommunicate these Bishops?
Wasn't that what happened to John Paul I? In that case, I think he was too liberal and got promoted upstairs rather fast?
You're so cynical. How would the Pope know anything about holocaust deniers? From the way you talk, you'd almost think he was German.
I've been checking in, waiting for a post on Marcial Maciel and the LC's. Surely you have something to say.
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