Amy Alonso specializes in women’s art, having been in the business for a remarkable ten years. As is always the case, she has had to change addresses a few times in order to find affordable rents as neighborhoods become trendy and consequently expensive.
We talked about selling art in a tough economy. Ms. Alonso typically sells three paintings a month, but this month, not a one. We joked about cutting down on restaurants and learning to use our own designer kitchens that have been largely ornamental until now. Ms. Alonso was amazed that she could purchase huge slabs of fresh fish which when combined with sticky rice produce excellent sushi for days!
Ms. Alonso did however have a bit of bright art news. The Los Angeles market seems to be strong and interested in abstract painting. She recently did a show in LA that sold out entirely. We also discussed the extremely weak market for photography. These days, anyone with money to spend on art wants something that does not come in multiples.
Here are (left to right) two artists, Roz Keating and Ana Mettola, with Amy Alonso.
Fueled with a couple of excellent brownies and some chardonnay, I headed to Collins Avenue for another event called Pretty in Pink at the Whitelaw Hotel lounge.
The rooms of the Whitelaw are saturated with the most intense pink imaginable, offset by whimsically padded white headboards.

I was pressed to down shots of a suspiciously sweet and sinister pink fluid with a clot of short black-haired Latinos who would not be photographed, informing me that they were all getting off Facebook, Twitter, Manhunt, Myspace, Friendster and all other similar venues. It seems that obscurity is the new black. When I asked them how they would keep track of each other, they assured me that they had ways, but these they would not divulge. Oh for the days of the princess phone. In pink, of course.
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