I get it. They're pushing vernacular, but why? Because a sick person can't get through a healthy sentence? Jesus Christ, where to begin?
THE best thing to do is not TO get on the train.
...ask someone to do it for you. Do what? Fade?
Someone from our staff or the police will stay with you until you can be on your way, or you're in the right hands. This is where the derailing becomes wreckage. In this case, the comma/or creates an opposition implying that being helped by the staff or the police would put you in the wrong hands. And, there is the irritating construction at the start of the sentence. This might be repaired in one of two ways:
Our staff or the police...
Someone from our staff, or FROM the police....
Take care. Yeah. Right.
Amen. And thank you.
I don't have your faith that they're pushing vernacular. I think the MTA is simply inept.
I wouldn't know where to begin deconstructing. This was a Chinese translation? This couldn't have been someone that theoretically spoke English as a native language could it? Never mind, the answer would most likely piss me off...
You sound like my great aunts and uncles who wrote a letter of complaint when the priest at my grandmother's funeral said the mass in Latin rather than the vernacular.
What you and they seem to forget is that for other people it's simply something to be endured and they ignore the message anyway.
I think they were going for a conversational tone in their message, but may have failed.
This is great and I agree but, erm, you loose a bit of credibility when your post has either typos or misspellings in it. :(
Dear PeterCFrank,
Mortified. That's what I get for doing these posts without a net and on the fly. Did I miss anything else? If so, I'll have no excuse.
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