Sunday, December 07, 2008

What happens in DC may or may not stay there.

This is Nate's brief clip of an unscheduled event of the National LGBT Blogger and Citizen Journalist Initiative.
It features Mr. Rage on the dance floor of Town.

LGBT Blogger Summit Dance party from Nathan Strang on Vimeo.


Brettcajun said...

Damn you guys. I was invited to apply for this initiative, but was declined. LOL! Oh well... that was the one chance to educate a blogger from the Deep South about LGBT issues. I would have given Eric a run for his money in the dancing department! ;)

Tony Adams said...

Dear Brett,
There was much conversation about the business of who was there and who was not there. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to it. It wasn't based exclusively on traffic. Or sex. It was very heavy on the political and socio-topical. You would have been a fine addition. There needs to be more of these.

Brettcajun said...

BTW -- I'll be in Miami Jan. 15th-19th for five days for a big gay tennis tournament on Biscayne Bay. Will you be vacationing down South at that time?

Tony Adams said...

Dear Brett,
Most likely. I'll be in NYC for one week in January for my writing job and that week has not yet been determined. If I'm in Florida, I'll certainly cover the big gay tennis tournament. (But only if you get me into the locker room. Again.)

Anonymous said...

the boy can fuckin' move

Knucklecrack said...

Did we really have to go there Tony?

Posting snap shot dancing vids...

Why do you hate America?

Tony Adams said...

Dear Knucklecracker,
People are going to think you're serious in that comment.

It's an inside joke, folks. Ask him.