Monday, December 08, 2008

The Meet and Greet

The Washington Blade covered the Bilerico Meet and Greet held at a coffeehouse called ArtfullyChocolate.
You'll find the full set of photos here, but I feel this one, in which I'm with Zamna Avila of AskTheGayLatino, captures my inner ferocity or perhaps just the embers of sleep deprivation.

(And don't miss the pic of blogger friend Mike of DC seated to my right with the fabulous Nick Cargo of PageOneQ to my left.)


Anonymous said...

I must say I miss your facial hair balances the eyebrows.

Tony Adams said...

Dear Dray, while I totally agree with you, here's the problem: a blogger convention is a young thing (I felt like one of those slow moving sonorous trees in Lord of the Rings). If i grow in th ebeard, it's white, emphasizing my seniority. The Just for Men routine grows tiresome o the point where I just stop doing it sometimes. Clean shaven becomes the only option. But you are so right. There's another problem. Our friend, the doctor, told us recently that the head is the only part of the body that never stops growing. Older people have larger heads. We only notice this subconsciously. That's why when an older guy has very short hair and no beard, he looks younger: because his whole head space is smaller to the eye. God, what an undeserved fate is age.

Anonymous said...

Well I think you're "aging" pretty well... or is it because I can't embiggen the pic...
I like it shaved: it enhances your eyes...

Zamna Avila said...

This is a great photo of us. I'd never seen it. Love it.
Lots of Love Father Tony!

Tony Adams said...

Four years ago, Z!!