As everyone already knows, this is the year of the jaunty and lightly woven fedora, and its sister, the pork pie panama. Both men and women are wearing them, and the idea is to personalize them with a slash of color or a small feather, or by twisting the brow up or down. The basic look is easy-suave Jude Law in The Talented Mr. Ripley.

Wearing this hat necessitates a smile. Without the smile, the hat struggles.
Here is the other popular hat that is giving the fedora some much needed competition. Choose it in beige.
Some guys are adding shaggy hair and beards that seem to be a protest of the buzz cut/shaved head look of recent seasons.
The messenger bag is still on every guy’s shoulder.
Speaking of bags, ladies, what on earth are you all carrying in those huge studded leather bags. They make you look like camels. Seriously, what’s in there?
Colors are what you’d expect. Hazy sherbets. Here are two folks from different generations who have chosen the exact same palate.

Footwear is light hearted and fun this summer with the simple canvas sneaker being the most popular choice for urban prowling. You can go with watermelon, Pink Floyd or just popped-up pink.
The look of the moment for young guys is definitely the black vest (extricated from a thrift shop suit?) over the white tee shirt topped with dark Wayfarers. Muy caliente, but don't try it if you are over 40. Seriously.
In some cases, an "A" might be given for effort
But what style could be sexier than that of two Mormon boys crossing a New York City street? Don't you just want to lick their...nameplates?

I'll just stick with my baseball cap. But I DID get a new one.
I've seen that cap. It's perfect. ;-)
And the massive ladies' bag carries future back problems. Seriously.
Birdie, You've met Bear Me Out!? Good Lord, woman, you do circulate! When are you going to write a piece about all the gay bloggers you've met. It really would be too good a piece for just Bilerico or any other blog. It's the sort of thing that should be in the Times or The New Yorker or someplace really big and mainstream.
I've never liked hats and couldn't imagine wearing one in the heat of a New York summer. I like your pictures, though--full of character and personality.
We met last week. I'm still looking for quiet time to write a post about it.
I haven't met nearly enough of my favorite bloggers. If I could find my way to NYC, there are, let's see, at least seven bloggers I'd have to see (including you). Then there's Chicago, Montreal, Toronto, Cape Cod, Boston, well, you get the idea.
You get me that spot for the NYT and you get 10%.
The word "lacking" immediately comes to mind. Why is it the streets don't ever look as good as the Windows? I do adore seeing womens summer dresses above the knee. Some of those designs are so attractive. I wish i saw more mens shirts made with that Summer look. Can you do sexy mens' feet with flops next? I, too, give them all a A for effort.
I sorta liked the old bird in florals and clumpy shoes in picture eight. I'm filing that look away for future reference.
Dear Nelly, from our bench watching that "old bird" pass by, I thought "Classic" at any age.
Um, some of those "of the moment" styles have been around for years. I've had my hat for three years already.
David, you can't help being slightly ahead of the curve. What I note is the fact that that hat is now in full blown usage and will be retired by the end of the season until its reissuance by some future generation.
I am slightly horrified to see the buffalo plaid of my high school Gap shopping years coming back into style in colors that would have been garish even then. As fro hats, I have several and am looking forward to the day that my lace trimmed Venetian tripoijt will be en vougue so I can pull it out of storage. In the meantime, I still have my easter bonnet with 40 peeps glues to it.
Dear KB. Skilled with the camera and not shy, you'll supply us with pictures of both, magna quam celerrime.
the steroids have caused my head to expand to a 7 5/8 fit. i picked up the loose fitting camo print hat in iraq.
Anthony Menendez
It's nice to know someone else loves hats as much as I do. I have had a couple of straw numbers, (panama and fedora) for a few years. As for the snap brim numbers, I've probably got about ten.
At last the world is catching up with me.
I loves the menz in hats. They can look very sexy on some guys. Yeah, there are attempts that fail but I like to see the hats on the menz.
I was all excited about the vest over tshirt look until you admonished me. I have pictures of me in that outfit at 18. I don't feel like I've aged a bit....until I glance in the mirror.
Dear Torn,
If there are any among us who could carry it off, that would be you.
I've never been into the fashion scene. I've always dressed to please myself in whatever I felt was comfortable and looked good on me and expressed what I know myself to be, not what some other designer wanted me to be. Besides, I have better things to do with my money than throw everything out after nine months and buy everything all over again from the skin out.
Maybe that makes me a bad gay man, but I have the life I want and the man of my dreams, so the fact that I'm wearing last decade's color or pattern may not be that catastrophic after all.
But Will, you are fashion for exactly the reasons you state.
Thank you, Tony. You are a very sweet man, which is exactly what I thought when I had the opportunity to meet you in Boston.
really nice photos, and as always, good observations. but could you please, pretty please stop fucking with photoshop?
Dear Anonymous (Mark) You say you like the pictures, well Photoshop had a lot to do with that. Are you asking me to be more subtle and to show restraint with Photoshop? There's no point to that given recent headlines about the fact that all fashion photos are photoshopped. I think, in fact, I will be going to the other extreme.
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