Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Tomorrow on Bilerico: "He's in love with a GRAMP! (Gay, Rich, Alone, Middle-aged, Positive)"

You'll have to go to Bilerico tomorrow after 10:30AM to see my response to the following:

Dear FT,

How can I convince an older man that he should take a chance on me?

Him: 56. HIV positive. Hot. Healthy as can be expected. Rich.
Me: 24. Cute. Negative. Hard working.

He says things to me like "Run the other way. You have your whole life ahead of you. Find someone who you can build a life with." He is the man I love. The one I always knew I would meet. I know he feels strongly for me but won't let himself go with it. He tells his friends and they tell me that he thinks he loves me but would not wish himself on me or anyone else like me. He won't have sex with anyone who is negative. I'm not winning this battle. My friends tell me to give up on him but I can't. How do I win him over?


Update: It's up. Get on it.


Stash said...

Now you've got my curiosity piqued.

I do wish you'd write more on this topic (not necessarily re Stubborn) but on the various sub-topics of HIV, old[er] gay men, the generation divide and related issues.

Forgive me if you have, maybe it is that I don't notice these things much.

In 4 months, 20 days I will be 39 and six years poz. Tempus fugit, doesn't it?

Tony Adams said...

Dear Jeremiah,

Love is never sensible.

Spouse Walker said...

oh please, introduce the guy to me. For goodness sake, the kid has no idea and worse, he refuses to listen to someone who does. The fact is that the more mature guy is keen enough to not invest the time into a younger guy who will one day tire of somethin for somethin else. Get a grip teenybopper, it's not about you.