and not pictured are G (who spent the weekend in his hotel room with a back injury perhaps acquired at the Celtics game), RG, the Monkey and Atari.
And I drank "Original Sin" cider and ate pulled pork at an insanely popular place called

The blazingly good company of the Boston bloggerati more than offest the remnants of hurricane Noel. Oh and Lynette? We talked about you incessantly.
Hey guys - I'm here via Evil-G, because I love his evil ways, and he assures me I should be checking out your blog, and also because I'm a shameless picture whore. So glad everyone had fun!
Pulled pork?
You know this was a mutual admiration society weekend. I had so much fun getting to know everyone. The conversations, the brilliant senses of humor, the handsome men, all made for a great weekend and left a craving for more. Thank you for feeding my ego by the way, next time we meet, you must take a photo that I can post for my site. I am only good at making food and other people look pretty. Besides, I know all about your.photoshop.secrets.
What a fun evening with you guys! I'm glad you decided to come up here and wish I'd had more of the weekend free--but there'll be more opportunities. Big hugs to you both.
I agree with Tate, all the guys were more enjoyable than I can possibly write about. However, that picture. Good lord in heaven, I look like a jack-o-lantern. Time to start saving for that long overdue plastic surgery.
Whatever you do, don't take the picture down. I'm a big believer in truth in advertising.
oh my goodness, you are all so beautiful. i am delighted that you had a good time and i only wish i could have been in the thick of it.
by the time no one had bothered posting anything yesterday afternoon, i figured you were all . . . well, nevermind what i figured. y'all had a good time and the (possibly lurid) details do not need to be shared publicly ;-)
i am pleased that you discussed me. did you figure me out? do let me know, i can use all the tips i can get.
I had a good time seeing you guys again! I wished I could have hung out later than I did. Maybe if I'm in town next week, I'll also be feeling better.
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